
Our specialist team members will guide you through meter and sub-meter installations, meter operator contracts and supply contracts to obtain the most cost-effective supply for your business.

Meter Types:

Non-Half Hourly (NHH)

Profile 03 – Commercial standard meter which is single rated and does not record consumption unless you have an AMR (automatic meter reader) device.Profile 04 – Economy 7 which is dual rated and does not record consumption unless you have an AMR device.

Profile 05 – 08 – Maximum demand meters are larger and does not record consumption unless you have an AMR device.

All new NHH meter installations will be profiles 03 and 04 as existing maximum demand meters were upgraded to HH metering due the P272 programme.

Half-Hourly (HH)

HH Current Transformer (CT) are meters which have a capacity agreement with the DNO (Distribution Network Operator) applied to this meter. The electricity supply is passed through a transformer due to higher voltage and amps used (a load greater than 100 Amps). The meter is accurately read electronically every 30 minutes.

HH Whole Current (WC) are meters which do not have a capacity agreement but are still read electronically every 30 minutes. The electricity supply passes through the meter and usually has lower amps and voltage.


Commercial standard meter which is single rated, and can be read by having an AMR device installed.

Devices to Make Bills Accurate

AMR is a device which creates a remote communication channel between a business and its energy supplier to accurately bill consumption used.Smart Meters send your supplier regular automatic readings.

SMET1 – communicate with your supplier through a 3G mobile network.

SMET2 – Communicate with your supplier through a purpose-built network

Talk to our specialist team about your meter and sub-meter installations
